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The "Sex Great Depression" can be adequately explained with people simultaneous distain for arranged marriages in the middle east, and the mixture of polygamy and celibacy (sexual hierarchies) since eras of agrarian eras of human history. The freedom of choice must imply the responsibility of accepting a sub-par offer, since not every offer is sharable amongst multiple people. https://psmag.com/environment/17-to-1-reproductive-success

In the "Gender Attraction Differential" video, Colttaine noted that divorce can be adequately explained as a biological construct of difference in attraction or "mate value". Discounting the whole PUA and FDS argument for what constitutes as "high value", there is always a male variability effect, where there will be more successes AND radical failures in men than in women. Therefore in most relationships by any metric (e.g. attractiveness, social status, intelligence), the average woman will feel as if they got an unfair deal compared to their peers, or the bigraph equivalent of the Friendship Paradox. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vqRbScCIPU https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variability_hypothesis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendship_paradox

> homosexuality must, to some extent, be “acquired.”

Here be hypothesis: (a) most men are biologically barred from reproduction due to sexual selection since the birth of the homonids (b) these biological barriers extended to social phenomena such as polygamy, fratricide, pedophilia, misogyny, and "homosexuality" (celibacy) (c) environmental stress such as economic inequality and loss of wellbeing, accelerates these behaviors (d) these behaviors self-regulates as it changes the socio-economic environment in a predictable but non-exploitable manner https://archive.ph/qiPHq

For Fratricide, it is good to refer to Peter Turchin's thesis on "Elite Overproduction", "Elite Fratricide", and "Cliodynamics", or that inequality caused by social advancements, will displace people into civil wars and criminality. This can lead to population decrease that disproportionately affects men. Side note however is that "age at marriage" is part of the indicators of wellbeing. https://archive.ph/tuJKY https://archive.ph/ZEksV

For homosexuality, it is more likely that it is a biological "off-switch", as conservative-leaning queers are more likely to uphold the social order, with similar effects to the celibacy movement, and thus can be "turned on" once social cohesion improves. A contemporary example is the "true felt loneliness" (TFL) camp regressing towards transgenderism for social integration (e.g. "transmaxxing" and "trad boywife"). https://archive.ph/vvoRw https://www.piratewires.com/p/transmaxxing

The converse case are those with high sociosexuality (SOI as shorthand for promiscuity) who obsess over women ala "pick up artists" and political puritans. Although these behaviors are somewhat contradictory, they can be packed under the umbrella of "verbal tilt" that includes creative and liberal thinking, and along with that mental health problems and a desire to engage in activism. It is not known however if it is tied to pedophilia (conservative woes of "drag queen story hour" and "elite pedophile conspiracy") or trans aggression against women (TERF's claims about "transbians"), as much is speculation. https://kirkegaard.substack.com/p/the-verbal-tilt-model

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