I stayed up late last night testing out various applications of OpenAI’s new chat bot with some of my friends. All of you should give it a try.
And help me write humorous tweets,
As I played with it, I became increasingly intrigued. Could the AI do something a little more contextual and sophisticated?
It took a bit of practice with various scenarios to learn how to speak to the bot—you have to be careful to phrase things in a way that doesn’t trigger its tendency to not want to speak for famous figures and it avoids direct questions about potentially inappropriate topics—but once I learned to persist after an initially unsatisfying answer, the results could be quite impressive.
So without further ado, here’s how I managed to teach AI to play Tyler Cowen’s favorite game a few moments ago…
I started with a direct, open-ended request.
Explained a little bit more about how the game is supposed to work and provided a more concrete scenario.
3. Then gave a more concrete example and asked the bot to continue where I left off.
And that was the entirety of the conversation, typed out in just a few minutes.
Putting this in a comment now:
[Edit] I felt like I should add just a little bit more of a disclaimer here, as I did in the tweet thread version. It did occur to me to throw out a naive attempt at this last night in the midst of many other random things I did but I hadn’t paid the fixed cost yet. I think that the above is fairly representative of what you can do very quickly once you take the time to familiarize [I made my first attempt at doing anything ever ~8pm last night].
Of course to make this into its own, highly optimized app you can take off the shelf and e.g. plug any random guest into would take more time and a lot of head-banging to debug, but that’s not the point of this demonstration. The point is that even this simple kind of AI exercise can stimulate creativity by helping people to vividly imagine things during a brainstorming session without requiring them to commit to some heavy duty AI project or even touch a single line of code!
Also it’s just really fun to make AI LeBron fight with AI Michael Jordan.
Man... note to self: next time I assign essay questions for homework, just don't bother. The program writes better than almost any student I have had, and I would have a hell of a time telling the difference. All essays must be done in class, with no phones or devices, apparently.
Thanks for sharing!