Thanks for a GREAT summary of FITs. As the owner/promoter (to get points) of another team, I had similar thoughts and the "time is too short" issue was almost as bad with the 5 in the May season as with the 15 in the April season (far too many). I also confirmed my distaste for podcasts. I really prefer the written stuff. This May season with "Kling scoring" was more fun AND more work.

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I agree. I was also a team owner. One of my players was Robert Wright, who endorses a practice he calls "cognitive empathy," which is not the same as emotional empathy. It is the practice of trying to see things from another point of view - not accepting or endorsing that point of view, but understanding it. Inspired by Wright, I am working through a couple of volumes on Critical Race Theory by some of its founding proponents. Two months ago, I would not have gone to this effort.

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Great advice, thanks!

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